ARISE collaborates with artist Luke Jerram
To celebrate the 125th anniversary of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, artist Luke Jerram is working in Freetown, Sierra Leone in collaboration with ARISE.
Helping to empower local communities, we worked with local teams to install 21 solar powered LED streetlights within the informal settlements of Freetown. We installed the permanent lighting in public areas including water collection areas, alleyways, and toilets.
This documentary film describing the journey of this project will form part of a new large scale arts installation to be presented back in the UK, later this year.
Raj Cherubal, CEO of Chennai Smart City Limited & Jaideep Gupte from Institute of Development Studies and ARISE joins this Inclusive Cities Livecast
Shadowing Suvartha on her waste-picking route in Vijayawada
New webinar from ARISE on COVID-19
The James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University hosted a webinar on 14 May 2020 – The Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Informal settlements.
Participatory Action Research training with the Dalit Bahujan Resource Centre
From the 28-30 January 2020 a meeting was held between SPARC/SDI, the George Institute for Global Health, India and the Dalit Bahujan Resource Centre. It was a pilot training to test out some of the participatory action research tools we will use in ARISE.
- The idea was to avoid classroom training as much as possible, and use music, games, street plays, and a mapping exercise to help us learn and have as much of the discussion out in the open as we could.
- Each day commenced with songs, facilitated by a singer/composer PV Ramana and his team. Each song was composed in simple, local language around social themes such as health, revolution, caste divides etc.
- The teams split into two and enacted independent street plays that touched upon issues of poor access to water and education among the marginalised residents and how it is possible to get access to them through collective negotiation.
- We also did two rounds of power walk, with power and gender roles exchanged!
- The classroom exploration of mapping touched upon what is a map, how is it drawn, what is it used for and what are the different elements of it.
- A practical session as a test in a nearby slum brought more understanding to the mapping technique. Key elements of how residents can participate in a mapping exercise were discussed.
- Facilitated by Prasanna, everyone discussed how we could explore ‘health and well being’ with waste picking communities, what it means to researchers, what it means to the community, how do we address implicit power structures.
- We hope for a long and fruitful partnership together.
Quick intro: Accountability for Informal Urban Equity Hub
More than half of the world’s people live in cities, with one in three of those living in low and middle-income countries doing so in informal settlements, sometimes known colloquially as slums, with inadequate access to services and opportunities to shape decisions about their environment. Our research will support the people in our focal communities to claim their right to health.
CBPR training in Sierra Leone
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International Women's Day 2020
What is ARISE? Tackling ill-health in the city...
We are a research partnership funded by the UK government’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). We look at health in informal settlements in India, Kenya, Bangladesh and Sierra Leone. Find out more and spread the word!
The women of Shyampur and Bhasentek talk women's empowerment
What if the poor were part of city planning?
We’re delighted that our colleague Smruti Jukur Johari, from SDI India, was asked to deliver a Ted Talk.
Linsay Gray of the University of Glasgow discusses the ARISE project
A short film on the University of Glasgow’s work on health in slums.