N. Farnaz, F. Manzoor, W. Alam, B. Aktar, S. F. Rashid | BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University Dhaka, Bangladesh Background Community Health Workers (CHWs) bridge the gap between communities living in urban informal settlements and formal health systems 130,000 CHWs employed in Bangladesh – 50,000 by the government, 50,000 in […]
Bachera Aktar (bachera.aktar@bracu.ac.bd), BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK Background One-third of the population of Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh, live in slums (BBS, 2015) which are often left out of urban planning and development (Banks, 2011). There is a lack […]
View the article on page 21 of Lead 4 Magazine, here Recently, the world’s attention has been focused on the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow. While much of the discussion at the event focussed on the future including emissions and projections, the conference also highlighted that for many, climate […]
Isolation in COVID, and COVID in Isolation—Exacerbated Shortfalls in Provision for Women’s Health and Well-Being Among Marginalized Urban Communities in India This paper describes the lived experiences of health seeking, health care recourse, and well-being of women waste pickers, a highly marginalized sub-population in urban areas in India, highlighting the intersectionality of gender, socioeconomic and […]
Listen to the podcast here:Episode 1: Supporting equitable partnerships in global health – A toolkit for Participatory Health Research methods In this episode we talk to Shahreen Chowdhury and Motto Nganda about their toolkit for participatory health research methods “Supporting Equitable Partnerships in Global Health”. This toolkit presents a whole host of methods which can be used and adapted to connect with communities. […]
Supporting equitable partnerships in global health: A toolkit for participatory health research methods This toolkit will be useful to researchers, programme implementers, teachers and students who are interested in applying Participatory Health Research (PHR) methods to support equitable partnerships in global health. Aim and Objectives To provide a toolkit of PHR paradigms, methodologies and methods […]
Abstract Introduction Power relations permeate research partnerships and compromise the ability of participatory research approaches to bring about transformational and sustainable change. This study aimed to explore how participatory health researchers engaged in co-production research perceive and experience ‘power’, and how it is discussed and addressed within the context of research partnerships. Methods Five online […]
Pandemic Portraits: Capturing experiences of people with disabilities in Bangladesh and Liberia during COVID-19 COVID-19 has changed the world as we know it. However, the pandemic has significantly affected the lives of people with disabilities with many facing additional barriers in access to services, increased isolation and increased risks of poor health and social outcomes. […]
Slum dwellers are at increased risk of intimate partner violence and HIV as they cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects. Background People in informal settlements face disproportionally high risk of ill-health, including HIV & intimate partner violence (IPV). Shocks, like the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant economic and social lockdowns, interrupt existing services […]
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on community-based participatory research: Reflections from a study in an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Background & Objective Involvement of lay researchers vital to participatory research COVID-19 pandemic disrupted (participatory) research Limitations of participatory digital research methods Objective: To reflect on COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on community-based participatory […]