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During 2023 and 2024 ARISE partners, from around the world, took part in a process to summarise and synthesise the learning from their work. Country teams of researchers and co-researchers came together to map out the activities they had engaged in since our inception, the milestones along the way and how communities had changed as a result. The process is now concluded and we are proud to present our new Learning Report and a range of impact stories and case studies that trace the ways that our research has contributed to positive developments in communities.

Impact stories

Get a quick download through our impact stories. Each story is bite-sized for your convenience. In it we travel the globe from Bangladesh, to India, to Kenya and Sierra Leone. How can community-based participatory research make a practical difference to the health of communities? We give you examples from the water and sanitation and housing sectors. How can people living and working in informal settlements hold the powerful to account? Well, research and evidence is part of the picture…

Co-production of community-led WASH interventions in informal settlements in Bangladesh

Building hope: Waste pickers unite for secure housing in Andhra Pradesh

Collaborative generation of data on the health and wellbeing of waster workers in India

Co-creating accountability and governance in slum relocation sites in Ahmedabad, India

Responding to water, sanitation, hygiene and solid waste management challenges in Nairobi’s informal settlements

How ARISE art projects facilitated community priority setting and communication in Freetown informal settlements

Learning Report

ARISE collected data, strengthened capacities and supported people to claim their rights to health and wellbeing. We worked in eleven cities in four core countries: Bangladesh, India, Kenya and Sierra Leone. Through our Responsive Fund we also carried out participatory research and action in Nepal, Malawi, Senegal and Zimbabwe. Read what we found.

Impact case studies

If you have time for a longer read then please browse our impact case studies. We have synthesised complex learning from a range of countries into short briefs which summarise what we know and provide links to further reading for the more dedicated among you.

Building relationships between urban marginalised people and service providers in Bangladesh

Community researchers’ roles in achieving ARISE outcomes and legacy

Understanding intersections of gender, health, and leadership with women waste workers in India

Collective action to challenge power and address health challenges and inequities in Mumbai, India

Fostering inclusivity and access to essential services through the household address initiative in Nairobi

Linking vulnerable groups to social protection interventions in Nairobi informal settlements

Community sensitive emergency measures taken during COVID-19 in informal settlements in Freetown, Sierra Leone

 Visit our resources page to find out more about our work and view films, songs, academic papers and short posts from our researchers and co-researchers.