A book review of Sabina Rashid’s ‘Poverty, gender and health in the slums of Bangladesh: Children of Crows’

Hilary Standing and Sally Theobald have reviewed Sabina Rashid’s book ‘Poverty, gender and health in the slums of Bangladesh: Children of Crows’ for the PLOS journal’s Speaking of Medicine and Health blog.

“This is an unusual book. It inverts the usual academic conventions. It doesn’t foreground theory or give us a lot of statistics. Instead, it gives us an utterly absorbing set of narratives of women and their families living in slum settlements over two time periods, each marked by crisis and uncertainty. Here, it’s the details that count – the worn and patched clothing, the missed meals, the constant resort to loans, the stories told to hide the fact that the family has been reduced to begging. The small but telling details that give us the warp and weft of urban poverty.” Read more on the PLOS Speaking of Medicine and Health blog.